Yomi Exhibition and Puzzle Strike Expansion Tournament
Saturday, November 26, 2011 at 5:07PM
Sirlin in Games I worked on, Puzzle Strike, Tournaments, Yomi Card Game

Today's online Yomi tournament was great to watch, thanks to Aphotix's great commentary. And congratulations to Choke Artist for winning.

Tomorrow morning at 8am Pacific Time, Aphotix will be back, casting an intense first-to-ten, iron man exhibition match. You'll be able to watch it here. (You could also go to www.fantasystrike.com to see it, but the stream will have the cool commentary.)

Also tomorrow is ChumpChange's "Short Notice Puzzle Strike Expansion Tournament." You can sign up here. We can use all the playtesting we can get, so join up and try your craziest strategies, or try your familiar good ones. Again, the tournament will be played online at www.fantasystrike.com. ChumpChange says the winners will be added to a secret list, so that's pretty exciting.

Article originally appeared on Sirlin.Net (http://oldsite.sirlin.net/).
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