All Puzzle Strike Kickstarter Orders Shipped!
Thursday, September 27, 2012 at 11:43AM
Sirlin in Puzzle Strike

As of today, Puzzle Strike (3rd Edition and Shadows) has shipped to every single kickstarter backer. We managed to meet our goal of the September ship date, which is somewhat of a rare thing for games on kickstarter, ha. If any of you have recieved your order, but not the randomizer cards, don't worry. For some orders, the cards didn't fit in the shipping box, so they were mailed out to you separately. If you have any questions about your particular order or shipping situation, you can contact Game Salute (see the info in the image above).

Thanks to everyone for the support, I'm glad we managed to get extra components (boards and screens) into Puzzle Strike, and I hope you enjoy the free randomizer cards, and online coupon for too.

If you missed out on the kickstarter, Puzzle Strike 3rd Edition, Shadows, as well as various extras like the 100+ page strategy guide are available here, and will ship on October 28th if you order far enough ahead of time.

Thanks again!

Article originally appeared on Sirlin.Net (
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