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Come with me to day 2 of the Game Developer's Conference. But first, here's some things I left out from yesterday.
Jaime Griesemer Again (Bungie)
Jaime Griesemer made a point yesterday that when gets feedback, he doesn't like hearing solutions, just problems. He's ok with "I don't like this" and he's even better with "I don't like this because [of X]" but he's not hot on "this should be changed to that." Often these solutions are not feasible. Sometimes they have technical problems, sometimes they cause other even worse problems in some other area of the game, or whatever. He says don't discuss solutions with playtesters, do that with other designers.
I've found this to be good advice from both sides of the coin. I've also heard lots of "change this to that" pieces of advice that can't work, but the real message from the player is that SOMETHING is wrong, so figure out a better solution. On the other hand, the playtesters I work with these days have a close relationship with me. They have learned a lot about my ideas and methods and are often able to provide good solutions. Even with that, there have been many times when there most valuable feedback was identifying a problem that I then puzzled over to find a solution. I mainly bring this up because Sid Meier said exactly the same thing today...but one thing at a time.
Another point he made yesterday was about ignoring balance feedback in some situations. He was saying that if the people giving the balance feedback (aka, the people complaining) realize that you can easily change a number somewhere to change the game, then they will complain over all sorts of things. Maybe a strategy or weapon or move or something is pretty good, so they complain rather than explore the game more and find counters. And yet many of these complains go away the moment the game is in a more fixed form, like when it's actually burned onto a disc and changes would be hard. At that point, many of the previous "complaints" go away and those players learn to overcome whatever challenge by actually getting better. Obviously you have to be careful about when to ignore or not ignore this kind of feedback, but I've noticed this same phenomenon.
Rob Pardo Again (Blizzard)
I remember a few more things Pardo said yesterday. "Don't make players read a story." He limited quest text to 512 characters on purpose in World of Warcraft, not for a technical reason, but to make quest designers keep it to the point. He said that players should be able to get the gist of the story by only reading the objecting and actually doing the quest. The quest text can then enhance, deepen, or further explain things, but it shouldn't be necessary for understanding the basic story.
He said one place they really failed at that was Diablo 2 quests. In that game, you talk to the quest giver and they launch into 2 to 3 minutes of monologue about all this story stuff. You sit there with no form of interaction. The quest is really just "Kill Andariel" or whatever though. He said that's a fail. But he said World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King succeeded here, specifically the quest chain for become a Death Knight. (I agree, and so does basically everyone else.) In this quest chain you steal a horse that you then turn into your Dreadsteed. You get quests from Arthas himself at first, but we see how your alliances change. Just playing through it all and reading almost nothing gives you a great sense of what Death Knights are all about.
Another point was that players will choose the shortest path, so make sure the shortest path is also the most fun. In EverQuest, the fastest way to level up is to fight the same monster over and over a million times, standing in like the same spot. In World of Warcraft, the idea was that quests were the fastest way, not standing in one place killing the same monster. He pointed out that even the most boring of all quests "Go kill X bears" or something is a big improvement because at least you finish that, turn it in, then get another quest to go kill some other monster, maybe with some other abilities, and that is located somewhere else in the zone. It gets you to move around at the least. Better still are quests that are more creative and fun, and that give enough XP to be worth doing even for the optimizer players.
Pardo also said that Blizzard is known for polish, but that polish isn't something you do just at the end; you have to do it all the way through. I think that's another way of saying you need to iterate and iterate and iterate. He showed a top down map of Arathi Basin (the battle ground in World of Warcraft) that was really low res and pixelly, like something you'd see on an Atari 2600. He said that was the design document for the battleground, ha. (It was remarkably accurate!) Then he showed a screenshot of the earliest playable version of it. It looked ugly of course, but it was playable. They could move the bridge or the flags or whatever and try different things. They did this through its development and it turned out to be one of the best battlegrounds with the LEAST overall development time.
The contrast was Silvermoon City. Silvermoon is a HUGE city, bigger than they had done before. It was so big that they had to break it up into several sections, each built in isolation. It was so unwieldy to connect up all these sections and actually play it as a whole that they very rarely did it. I think he said they did that only about 2 times in a YEAR (oh my). As is no surprise, Silvermoon turned out to be unwieldy to actually navigate as a player, too. It just didn't have the continuous iteration and polish (as a complete, continuous city) that Blizzard usually does. Pardo said that they now call this "Silvermooning" and are very careful to avoid any situation that prevents them from doing many, many iterations on something.
Another point he made (he sure made a lot of points, btw) is that he has to create a culture where his employees "show their work early." He says if you work on something (maybe a map or a character or programming a feature, whatever) you don't really want to show people when it still has obvious problems. It will make you look stupid. But the alternative is to keep working and working in secret, building up to some kind of "big reveal." At this point, you're too invested. If you've been working on something for three months, he said, and then finally show it, you aren't looking for feedback. You are looking for a pat on the back. But the only way to make things good is many, many iterations. He encourages his employees to show each other even their very early work and to give each other suggestions on whether that work is going in a good direction or not, or how it could be improved.
Ok, now let's start GDC Day 2 for real.
What You Need to Know About Casual Games 2010
This was the worst named session in all of GDC. Or...was it the best named session? Maybe the worst because it showed almost no casual games and almost nothing from 2010 (the games are mostly from 2009 I think). Or maybe it's the best named session because it seeks to redefine what a "casual game" even means. I thought it meant lame match 3 stuff, peggle, and facebook non-games. Apparently to Juan Gril and Nick Fortugno, it means a bunch of awesome experimental web games. Sweet.