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Capcom Classics Codes

Here's my holiday gift to all of you.

In Capcom Classics Collection Vol. 1, you can unlock everything in the game by entering this code on the title screen:

PS2 version: L1, R1, Up on right analog stick, Down on right analog stick, L1, R1, Up on left analog stick, Down on left analog stick, L1, R1, Up on d-pad, Down on d-pad.

Xbox version: L-trigger, R-trigger, Up on right analog stick, Down on right analog stick, L-trigger, R-trigger, Up on left analog stick, Down on left analog stick, L-trigger, R-trigger, Up on d-pad, Down on d-pad.

In Capcom Classics Collection: Remixed, you can unlock everything in the game by entering this code on the title screen:

PSP version: Left on d-pad, Right on d-pad, Left on analog stick, Right on analog stick, Square, Circle, Up on d-pad, Down on d-pad

In Capcom Classics Collection Vol. 2, you can unlock everything in the game by entering this code on the title screen:

PS2 version: Left on d-pad, Right on d-pad, Up on d-pad, Down on d-pad, L1, R1, L1, R1

Xbox version: Left on d-pad, Right on d-pad, Up on d-pad, Down on d-pad, L-trigger, R-trigger, L-trigger, R-trigger

And finally, in Capcom Classics Collection: Remixed (PSP), there is a secret game sharing feature. We didn't have time to go through the official paperwork and testing needed in order to claim the game supports game sharing, but we put the feature in anyway, probably in a better form than how you're supposed to do it. Here's how it works:

Launch any game from the main menu of CCC: Remixed. Take out the game disc. The game you launched should keep playing with no known problems. Give the game disc to your friend. Your friend can now play any game he wants, but have him launch the same game you did. Now you can "join game" and play a wireless multiplayer game with your friend, using a total of only one disc. Interesting to note that this implementation of game sharing required no interface screens at all: it "just works."

Speaking of holiday gifts, you could still order my Playing to Win book in time for the holidays, either for yourself or your gaming friends.




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