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Where Did/Would You Buy Sirlin Games?

I'm basically sold out both Yomi and Puzzle Strike, but I did get ahold of a very limited quantity of each at www.sirlingames.com. The next print runs are on their way, and I'm planning to support your local hobby game stores even more from now on. I'd like your help though.

You can help by filling out this survey and letting me know where you bought Yomi and/or Puzzle Strike, and just as importantly, where you'd *like* to buy those or future Sirlin Games. If there's a great local game store near you that you wish carried Yomi or Puzzle Strike then let me know! Maybe you'd like to have a gathering place to play for fun or in tournaments. Or maybe it's just a great game store that you're proud to support.

On the other hand, if you ARE a retail store owner, I'll refer you to Dan Yarrington, CEO of Game Salute. Sirlin Games is now a proud member of Game Salute, and you can contact Dan about purchasing and promoting Sirlin Games for your store, as well as details about becoming a Game Salute Select Store (it's a good thing!). You can e-mail Dan at Salute@GameSalute.com or call at (603) 401-2080.

Don't forget to fill out that survey. Thanks!

Reader Comments (4)

Can you expand upon this sentence?

"Sirlin Games is now a proud member of Game Salute"

March 5, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterDevon

The survey is US-only, I presume? Only asking for city/state, and not country would suggest so. Also, what would owning the print-and-play version count as?

And to answer the "where'd you like to buy Yomi" question myself: anywhere in Hungary would be nice. It seems to be completely unknown here, though. (I'm not much of a boardgamer myself so I'm not sure, but if even Google turns up no mentions, that's probably accurate)

March 6, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterpkt-zer0

Game Salute is a distribution partner I'm working with.

The survey is worldwide, not US-only, though maybe it doesn't have the right fields for country, hmm. Write in whatever info you need to if you know of a local store near you (anywhere in the world) that you want Game Salute to contact about Sirlin Games.

March 6, 2011 | Registered CommenterSirlin

compiled the survey, I hope you'll find that stuff useful, even if it has got me thinking about the B&M stores vs online stores and such; from what I gather in my local area (Rome, Italy) almost every one of the local stores has an online store as well; I'm thinking that being a niche market, every boardgame shop is somewhat forced to try and expand their audience with online stores.
That said, it could be tricky get around the problem with online retailers...

March 11, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterCiabs
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