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Puzzle Strike Roundup

Here's a really detailed (and positive) review of Puzzle Strike from 2D6.

Edit: And here's another review of Puzzle Strike from Victory Condition.

There have also been a ton of articles about the development beind Puzzle Strike as well as strategies to play it well over at www.fantasystrike.com. Thanks to vivafringe, rabid, skeller, and the rest of the players who contributed to this growing storehouse of knowledge. Here are some of those articles:

Puzzle Strike Matchup Strategies: Valerie & Geiger
Puzzle Strike Matchup Strategies: Grave & DeGrey
Puzzle Strike Matchup Strategies: Lum & Argagarg
Puzzle Strike Matchup Strategies: Jaina & Rook
History of Hundred-Fist Frenzy
History of Degenerate Trasher
History of Secret Move
Puzzle Strike Matchup Strategies: Midori & Setsuki
History of Midori in Puzzle Strike
Puzzle Strike Matchup Strategies: Valerie & Argagarg
Puzzle Strike Matchup Strategies: Grave & Rook
History of Zane in Puzzle Strike
History of Combine
History of Lum in Puzzle Strike
Puzzle Strike Matchup Strategies: Geiger & Lum
History of Four Minor Puzzle Strike Changes

And for some bonus, here's a recent glowing review of Yomi, as well as an article for new players about strategy. And here's a review of Flash Duel from Wired.

If you're interested in buying Puzzle Strike, Yomi, or Flash Duel for the holidays, you still have a few days left. Ordering from www.sirlingames.com by December 18th should still allow you to receive it by December 24th, if you're in the US. (It will ship anywhere in the world, just not quite that fast outside of the US.)

Enjoy this wealth of information!

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