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Puzzle Strike is funded on Kickstarter!

We did it! We reached the funding goal for Puzzle Strike 3rd Edition + the Shadows expansion on kickstarter. It took less than 2 days, wow. I hope we can keep going way more though and reach the stretch goals to put some more components in the box. Thanks to everyone who supported us so far.

Also, we are now the #1 Staff pick on Kickstarter, too!

Reader Comments (6)

Pledged too.

April 19, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterFroh

Way to go Sirlin! I'm not surprised. You've gotten some press recently, and your project is extremely detailed. Plus, you're creating a revamped/expanded version of an existing game. You've already proven that you can deliver, which is more than most Kickstarter projects can say. I'd say your project is a pretty safe bet to back.

April 19, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterDorkmaster Flek

Congrats! I am incredibly happy that puzzle strike will continue to live on. I hope everyone who pledged and plays loves this game as much as I do.

April 19, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterApolloAndy

Thanks you guys! Hopefully we get new players into the community with all this.

April 19, 2012 | Registered CommenterSirlin

Congratulations... as one of the best games released in the past few years, it deserves nothing less.

April 19, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterNidoKing

Really happy to see the success of your campaign!

One critique: the bg music in the video was distracting to me. At the very least I would have reduced the volume of the music, but a less busy song may have worked too.

Really great to see you in video form (rather than just podcast audio or the written word) — reminds me of our many coffee house sessions.

April 19, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterThomas Grové
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