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PAX East 2013 Tournaments and More

PAX East 2013 is coming up next week in Boston. There will be Yomi and Puzzle Strike tournaments there, but for some reason they didn't get on the main schedule. Here's the info:

Friday at 1pm, March 22nd 2013: Puzzle Strike (3rd Edition base set)
Saturday at 1pm, March 23rd 2013: Yomi

Location: Game Salute booth at PAX East. It's in the Tabletop area, at C201 - 212.

These tournaments are free to enter, so all you have to do is show up a bit early to register. They are also friendly, welcoming events so don't be afraid of them. Last year's were great for everyone I think.

Please tell anyone you think would be interested about this, seeing as it's not on the main schedule. So spread the word and bring your friends if you like. I'll remind you again about this on Facebook as we get closer to the event. Follow Sirlin Games there while you're at it.

I will be at PAX East as well, probably in the Game Salute booth or in the nearby tabletop games area. If you find me and say hi, you can try out some new games in development if you're interested.