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SF HD Remix is A+ and Sirlin.net is Top 5

1up.com gave Street Fighter HD Remix a score of A+. Wow!


Meanwhile, Wired says my website is one of their 5 most favorite game-related blogs. In the coming months, I'll muck it up with a bunch of psychology stuff, then we'll see what they say!

Reader Comments (26)

To me, it's not A+, it's 11 out of 10!!! THANK YOU!!!

November 30, 2008 | Unregistered Commentermo1016

Thanks man!

I'm still curious what is the logic behind removing the PPP and KKK or LPLK....etc binds from custom control?
Are you punishing those who are not planning to get a stick? or you just wanted to enforce your point of view on the matter?

November 30, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSontawila

Probably unimportant (and barely perceptible) to most, SSF2T HD Remix actually upscales character sprites when played in 16:9 (default) aspect ratio.

Full article: http://www.gamersglobal.com/news/1456

November 30, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterLeonard McCoy

Leonard, I think thats the wrong way at looking at the problem. Upscaling is not an issue. Upscaling without using texture filtering is. Thats why the game looks blocky if you are playing it on a display thats higher than 720p and sharp (such as an LCD monitor)

December 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAbdul

This could be of interest ^^ :

There is an article on HD Remix and SFIV at the online portal of "Der Spiegel", which has a link to this blog (they don't mention your name in the article itself tough).

Link to the article if someone wants to test his German^^:

"Der Spiegel" is Europe's largest weekly magazine with a circulation of more than one million per week.

"Spiegel Online" is the most popular online resource for news in Germany, and won the
"Grimme Online Award" in 2005.

Well yeah the last two sentences come from Wikipedia, but I can tell you this magazine and it's online portal have big reputation over here and it's more of a political magazine which normally has nothing to do with video games. The online Portal is of course a bit more loose in it's topics^^.

The article is very positive and of course a little superficial but it gets the facts right^^.

Guess the word is spreading to Europe (well Germany at least^^) :D.

December 3, 2008 | Unregistered Commentershoto

Well done, Sirlin. I just read Jim Sterling's post on Destructoid recounting your struggles with Backbone and getting this game to ship. I have patiently been waiting your masterpiece for the past couple years, and I am glad to say that it is everything I was hoping for and more. Although I suck at SF, always have, it is still so much fun.

December 4, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterGuruthos
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